All-The-Time Electrician
Service Service Service

Downtown Electrician Service is a professional, fully-trained, highly experienced, and otherwise well-equipped crew of electricians, ready to help you with your electrical needs whenever it works for you. Whether you’re renovating your home and looking for someone to take care of things like electrical panel replacement and outdoor light repair, or you’re dealing with a partial power outage emergency, we’re the ones that’ll make it happen. Let’s get to work!

Our Services

Tired of having to use an extension cord just to charge your phone? We do outlet installation, so you can plug your devices in wherever you need. If a breaker ever blows in your home, call us, we do circuit breaker repair and replacement. Have a little kid that loves to annoy you by turning the lights off and on? We relocate light switches, so we can get it out of—or into—their reach. We do light fixture repair, if you’ve got a dead ceiling lamp. Of course, any project that requires new electrical wiring, we can handle. Just call.

Business Hours

Whether the sun is up or the moon is out, we’re available 24 hours a day.

Service Area

Serving up great work in Boston and all over Suffolk County.